Monday, August 25, 2008

Update on the Baby

Well, it has been a while since I have been on here with updates!!

2 weeks ago was my 20 week ultrasound!!! The ultrasound tech checked for all the baby's fingers and toes. She looked at all the organs, including the brain. And, of course, the found out that the little baby is a BOY!! We are super excited, especially Chad. He was hoping for a boy! We do have a name picked out but we are keeping it a secret until he is born!

Well I'm starting to show! I had the stomach flu last week and lost about 15 pounds and since then he has just popped out!! He sure was a character during the flu. He would just move all around and kick. I have feeling he is going to be super stubborn!! I feel him moving quite a bit. I love it and can not wait for Chad to be able to feel it!! Well, hopefully it wont be another month before I update everyone but ya never know!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Doctor Appt #3

Well, we went to the doctor today. I was slightly nervous due to my emergency visit on Sat. I had worked far to hard in the heat on Friday at work and became dehydrated. When I woke up on Sat to go to work, I had horrible menstrual type cramps (with no bleeding). This lasted until 11 when I finally left work and went to the emergency room. Luckily the baby looked fine, I was just very dehydrated. My urine looked great (thank goodness) so the let me go home!!!

Well today day at the doctor, my actual doctor was catching a baby so I had the option of either rescheduling, or having the nurse take some blood, vitals and listen to the babies heart. Well after this weekend, I opted to have the nurse see me. It was well worth it! We got to hear the heartbeat on the Doppler for the very first time. It was so amazing. I was definitely grinning from ear to ear! My blood pressure was great. I've gained more weight then I wanted, so I really need to get in gear with my healthy eating. I think eating bread type meals all the time is catching up with me lol. I don't mind gaining weight (it is a little rough since I just lost 90 pounds) but I want them to be healthier pounds!!!

My next appointment is on August 12. We will be finding out the sex of the baby!!! I just CANT wait!!!! Hopefully my belly will be popping out more by then!!!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

16 weeks and counting

We can't believe its been 12 weeks since Chad and I found out we were having a baby! In 4 more weeks we will know if it's a boy or girl. I have felt like its a little girl since I knew I was pregnant. It's kind of funny because I did not want a girl. Chad and I are both tall and I wouldn't wish that on any girl. But now, I really feel like it's a girl. Chad and my dad are certain its a boy. I'm sure it will be a boy because I have 3 pregnant friends and they are all having girls (even the one pregnant with twins!) I'm going to be so happy no matter what! We have picked some names that are very special. We are keeping them secrets until the baby is born. I think that since we are ruining the sex surprise, we will keep the name surprise.

Chad and I are doing great! We are enjoying married life. Soon we will be enjoying married life and parenthood. As most of you know, we were on fertility pills. We got pregnant the first go around. No one expected me to get pregnant the first go around on pills. We didn't think I would ever get pregnant and carry it this far. Its a true miracle. The miracle is a little sooner than we all expected, but a miracle none the less.

Chad is getting very excited. He loves to rub lotion on my belly and give it kisses! The books say that next week the baby will be able to hear. Chad is very excited for that!!

I'm starting to show a little. You can only really notice if my cloths are tight. Soon, hopefully, my belly will pop out!!! Hehe