Monday, April 27, 2009

Michael's 4 month check up

Michael had his 4 month check up today! He was very brave until right before the shots came! He weighs 15 pounds 1 oz and is 24.75 inches long! He has a tooth that is breaking through his gum and looks great! The doctor is very please with how far along he is and the milestones he has already hit! He is having us thicken his formula up with rice cereal to see if that will help his spitting up. He thinks his sphincter is still immature and that his feedings are too close together. Hopefully with some more calories he wont be so hungry so quick and with it being thicker, it'll stay down!

He did give us something to stress about... The doc is concerned that M's skull is fusing. He felt his head and such and called a pediatric neurosurgeon. The surgeon isn't worried. She thinks its just the shape of his skull but we are still meeting with her just to make sure. Everyone please pray that his skull isn't fusing. If it is then he will have to have surgery on his skull, which is less then ideal.

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