Monday, April 13, 2009

Ode to Motherhood

I finally got my computer back and decided that my life is in enough order now that I can actually update this regularly!!

Well, I must say, the ride of Motherhood is insane. There are so many ups and downs and I'm just getting started!! I have been blessed with such an AMAZING child! He sleeps around 12 hours a night and is on a great routine. He is up for about 2 hours and then naps! He does not like napping though. He would much rather be awake and screaming with me then asleep in his crib! I should take this as a compliment, it's nice to know my son loves my company; but the screaming is EXHAUSTING! The only time he cries is when it's time to nap. I have the book "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" and it tells me that he is crying because he is over tired. I put him to bed sooner, he wont sleep and he ends up crying himself to sleep in his crib! It's frustrating. Today was a great day for naps! He didn't cry for any of his naps or for his bed time, but I put him to sleep with a bottle.... Does that make me a bad mom? Stick a 2oz bottle in his mouth with a slow flow nipple and he falls asleep in 10 min! Again, I know that I'm lucky. This is really the only problem I am having! Well, him spitting up a ton, but that has gotten better now that we are using the VentAire bottles. It still happens, but only right after he eats instead of all the time.

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